Totally Unreliable and Slightly Profane 75th Golden Globes Predictions

Coco, 2017

image: Pixar

Best Original Song — Motion Picture

“Home,” Ferdinand

“Mighty River,” Mudbound

“Remember Me,” Coco

“The Star,” The Star

“This Is Me,” The Greatest Showman

Winner: I gotta go with Coco again. “Remember Me” takes it!  Because Pixar.

Kristina Rettig

Editor-in-Chief - I'm overworked in the tech industry and started this charming little blog so I could rant about movies, tv, pop culture, politics, and whatever the hell else I feel like talking about. I've conquered Comic-Con many times, and my love for Star Wars is a little bit embarrassing. I'm also hungry all the time.

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1 Response

  1. One more thing – I love your blog and thank you for expressing your ideas on this topic!