Overworked Product Manager Foolishly Thinks She Has Time to Maintain a Blog

Looks like you got suckered into visiting this page through a Facebook page boost, you’re a friend who feels obligated to visit, or you are a rabid tv fan or cinephile that feels the need to read every review you can find of your favorite shows and movies. Either way, I’ll take it.

While I’m no stranger to writing tv and film reviews, it is not my full-time job, as I found it’s damn near impossible to make a living as a blogger if nobody knows who the hell you are. Sure, I’ve covered Comic-Con for Variety.com a few times, and written for such sites as the now-defunct GeekBinge.com as well as GeekFeed.com, I happen to have a full-tim job in tech that makes starting a blog like this a foolish endeavor at best, and a practice is masochism at worst. Either way, I now have my own little playground where I can write what I want, how I want, and when I want. I’m also a political junkie and just slightly opinionated, so random pieces about the absolutely batshit terrifying state of the world may sneak in from time to time, as well.

Since I’m not a fancy-pants writer who has access to things ahead of time, I will be watching film and tv just like you do. Therefore, my tv reviews may come a bit later than those who get screeners, and my film reviews will at the very earliest come the day before release; this is only because one of the benefits of living in Los Angeles is that films often get released Thursday night. Most likely, you’ll have to wait till over the weekend to read film review, and at that point, you’re just reading to see if our opinions align, or because you’re going to see it Sunday or the next weekend. Such is life until I rise from obscurity.

Until then, Welcome! Feel free to interact and comment and disagree with me, as long as you keep it respectful. Or downright hilarious. After all, all of this is just the opinion of an overworked Product Manager who happens to be way too enthusiastic about film, tv, and politics.

So, let’s have a conversation about our favorite things and nerd out accordingly, shall we?

And GO!

Kristina Rettig

Editor-in-Chief - I'm overworked in the tech industry and started this charming little blog so I could rant about movies, tv, pop culture, politics, and whatever the hell else I feel like talking about. I've conquered Comic-Con many times, and my love for Star Wars is a little bit embarrassing. I'm also hungry all the time.

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